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House of Irvings, by Bruce Livesey

James (J.K.) Irving (left). Arthur Irving (right). Photo from Canadian Press.

Welcome to The House of Irvings. This series offers a unique view of New Brunswick's first family. Whether examining the Irvings' interest in the Energy East pipeline, the oil refinery on the east coast, or the timber exploitation in Maine, Bruce Livesey is at his best in this remarkable six-part story.

The Irvings are Canada's fifth wealthiest family and wield enormous power in the province and across Canada.

Livesey talks with family insiders, journalists, academics, activists, environmentalists and authors to bring the Irvings to life.

He examines court records and receives answers to hard questions from Irving representatives.

This story was removed in February pending updates. But today you can read the first of Livesey's stories.

Contrary to speculation, the delay in publication was not due to pressure from the Irving group of companies.

"Gordon Dalzell is an unlikely dissident," Livesey writes.

"I first met Dalzell at a lonely Tim Hortons on the edge of Saint John, New Brunswick, with the only other denizens being some trucker types nursing their coffees. I’d just flown into New Brunswick’s largest city from Toronto and we agreed to chat before I headed to my hotel." Continue reading the story here.
