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Trudeau responds to B.C. woman's viral Facebook letter

#213 of 220 articles from the Special Report: Canada's 2015 Federal Election Campaign

Incoming Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has responded to a viral letter posted on Facebook by a B.C. woman, asking Trudeau to be mindful that millions of Canadians voted Liberal instead of their first choice in order to prevent another Conservative victory.

"I need you to know that even though I put my X next to your name, I did not vote for you," wrote Casandra Fletcher, who describes herself as an "average west coast, middle class" woman and voter, the same age as Trudeau.

"I voted against the alternative...millions of other Canadians just made the same decision out of pure rage and fear."

Fletcher proceeded to list a "top 10" of issues she hoped he would address as prime minister, including an end to oil subsidies, fixing Bill C-51 and replacing the "first-past-the-post" electoral system.

Her letter, posted after the October 19 election, had gone viral and shared over 30,000 times across Canada.

"Casandra, I've read your letter with great interest and admiration," Trudeau responded on his Facebook page.

"Your honesty and frank words have resonated across the country, and I take them to heart. First, thank you for your vote. Since the start of this campaign I've pledged that no Canadian's voice would be taken for granted — and I'm grateful for your support, no matter the reason why you marked your ballot as you did.

Second, I think you will find the answers to many of the questions you've asked of me in our Liberal platform, which you can find at I'm eager to get working on these commitments, and to tell Canadians about our progress as directly and clearly as possible. Right now, I'm focused on building the Cabinet that will make our plan a reality starting November 4th. I hope you'll stay as engaged as you are now throughout the process — and feel free send me another Top 10 some time down the road!"

Fletcher's original letter below:

Hey Justin. I’m Casandra, and I’m an average west coast, middle class mom voter. You and I are the same age. I have so much to learn in terms of diplomacy and leadership, and so I’m guessing you acknowledge this in yourself too. This is going to be quite the ride for you and me.

I have a pit in my stomach because I just stood behind a cardboard box with a lump in my throat, feeling like I was gambling my life away. I think that’s the seed of what’s churning in my belly… in a democracy, why do I feel like I have to “play my cards” when I vote? How many millions of us gambled today on whatever bet would be “not Harper”?

My country’s electoral system throws away all votes that don’t “win.” This last election's votes meant two thirds of us weren't represented at all. That's crazy! I need you to know that even though I put my X next to your name, I did not vote for you. I voted against the alternative. And so with this knowledge, and knowing millions of other Canadians just made the same decision out of pure rage and fear, I hope you can do a few things in your newfound position.

Since the internet loves “Top 10” lists, here’s mine for you:

1. Get real about your win. Accept it with humility and modesty, and treat your fellow left politicians with respect and gratitude, for it is their supporters who got you here with your sweeping majority, and not your own.

2. Change our electoral system. Be brave enough to see the big picture and not just for whom our voting system will immediately benefit. Be strong enough to face those that disagree or may lose their roles because a better system is needed for the health of our country. Be the one to recreate what democracy is in Canada. You have the chance to make history for your Trudeau name (round two), and what a magical gift that is… to have the ability to create a legacy.

3. Rebuild Canada’s name on the world stage. I was once proud to sew my flag on my backpack. Now, I’m ashamed of my country. We can become peacekeepers again. We can be examples to the world of how we educate our youth, support our vulnerable people, and protect our mountain streams. We can disagree with the United States, and we don’t have to be business partners with countries that commit horrific crimes against humanity. We can be a world leader in more ways than one.

4. Please don’t be bought. Your strength of character, your ethics, and being a true voice for Canada’s people today and 100 years from now will bring you far greater reward. Turn your back to those companies and lobbyists that think they can buy you (and Canada) in exchange for decisions that financially reward a few today and hurt people for generations.

5. Protect our rare and natural resources and don’t get caught in the jargon. Climate change, global warming, carbon emissions… the jargon is divisive. There are certain decisions that clearly do destroy this blue planet upon which we survive, and those that don’t.

I recognize the harvesting of our forests, minerals, metals and oil bring jobs and money to our country, but consider moderation, balance, and sustainable practices, instead of debating the validity of the “climate change” phrase.

6. Related to #5 above, but worthy of its own number… please create fair subsidy practices. Either stop subsidizing oil, or start subsidizing energy alternatives. Refer to #4.

7. Support science. Rebuild our libraries and the information learned from thousands of reputable, skilled scientists over decades in Canada. Support a system to archive this information rather than destroy it.

8. Support an unbiased public information forum. Maybe this is the CBC. Maybe not. But probably… yes… the CBC. I’m guessing a truly democratic country thrives on the sharing of information that is non-partisan, non-religious, non-corporate, for the benefit of having an educated, engaged populace. Refer to #4.

9. Listen and communicate in real ways - no political mumbo jumbo say-nothing jibber-jabber. We’re all just people, and we all deserve to be spoken to with honesty and respect, even if it’s not decisions we agree with. We’re talking inclusion, veterans, Aboriginal women, veterans, jobs, refugees, pot, the justice system, the TPP, pipelines, healthcare, the senate and government corruption. And it doesn’t stop there. Good luck, but a good start is always good communication.

10. Bill C-51. Fix that thing. That’s like a bad sci-fi movie happening in real life. I can’t believe you voted for that in the first place. Refer to #3.

Thanks for your consideration.
