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Ex-federal cabinet minister Jean Lapierre dies in plane crash

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Former Liberal cabinet minister Jean Lapierre, his wife and other members of his family died in a plane crash Tuesday as they headed to eastern Quebec following his father’s death.

The victims included Lapierre’s spouse, Nicole Beaulieu.

Lapierre, 59, tweeted Monday that his father, Raymond C. Lapierre, had passed away after a long fight against Parkinson’s disease.

The plane crashed in a field near the airport in Havre−aux−Maisons in the Iles−de−la−Madeleine.

Lapierre was first elected to the Commons in 1979 and served until 1990 when he joined the Bloc Quebecois.

He left politics in the early 1990s and then returned to the Liberal fold in 2004 under Paul Martin, who named him transport minister.

Lapierre was a prominent broadcaster and political journalist in Quebec and was very active on Twitter.
