Support strong Canadian climate journalism for 2025
Dear readers & supporters,
I have the BEST news for you: more than 55 of you subscribed over the past week, smashing my goal of 50 new subscribers to fund our reporting on the B.C. political donations controversy.
From the bottom of my heart, GRACIAS!
We live in an age where quality investigative journalism will only exist if thoughtful, committed citizens care to support it, and your response tells me that you care deeply.
Your response tells me that the truth matters to you, and that you’re willing to step up for our democracy.
I spent the past 10 days feeling hopeful, reading your tweets and encouraging messages. As soon as we hit our target yesterday afternoon, our managing editor, Mike De Souza, called me from Ottawa to share that his team of reporters feels heartened to know that their work is important to you.
So once again, THANK YOU.
And stay tuned…
- Jorge Amigo, Director of Engagement