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Please support National Observer's reporting on 'State of the Animal'

#20 of 28 articles from the Special Report: Trophy Hunt
Kermode bear in crab tree by Brad Hill
"Eyes of the Spirit" - a spirit bear spots some berries in the Great Bear Rainforest in British Columbia on Oct. 11, 2007. Photo courtesy of Brad Hill

National Observer just launched an urgent Kickstarter campaign to fund reporting on the majestic animals of the Great Bear Rainforest.

Here's your chance to increase coverage of Canada's amazing wildlife. But there are only 25 days to reach the funding goal, so please back the project today.

When you're reading about climate change, energy and the environment, one of the critical issues that's often underreported is the impact on animals. And on Canada's west coast, issues like trophy hunting and energy development intersect in the one of the world's greatest ecological treasures, the Great Bear Rainforest.

Humpback whale breaching at dusk. Photo by Trish Boyum.
Humpback whale breaching at dusk in the Great Bear Rainforest. Photo by Trish Boyum - Ocean Adventures Charters Co.

Right now, you can back this reporting project to investigate the moving and important story of whales and bears in the world's last remaining coastal temperate rainforest. These stories rarely reach the public because they happen out of sight and out of mind for most Canadians. Today, you can help change that by joining this crowdfunding campaign.

You'll find out how global warming, trophy hunting and the fracking industry are impacting the animals that call British Columbia's rainforest home.

Your dollars will fund research with scientists, naturalists, local First Nations, and other experts on the humpback whales, orcas, Spirit Bears, and grizzlies in North America's most precious coastal wilderness.

Your support will send National Observer's award-winning reporting team into the heart of the Great Bear Rainforest. We'll bring back the same kind of stunning, audiovisual, feature-length stories that have made us a daily read for tens of thousands of Canadian households.

Four month-old spring grizzly cub. Photo by Trish Boyum Ocean Adventures Charter
Four month-old spring grizzly cub. Photo by Trish Boyum/Ocean Adventures Charters

No "undo button" for loss of wild animals

"Once we lose the wild places and wild things that live here, we'll never get them back...We cannot undo some things once they are done."

That's the way Moira Le Patourel, a naturalist who spends months every year in the Great Bear Rainforest, described the urgency of the moment.

Through fact-based reporting, National Observer will highlight how decisions being made today will impact the survival of some of Canada's most iconic species.

A vital part of climate reporting

Your support will also highlight solutions to the impending climate crisis. Stories of breakthrough technology, resilient communities and individuals making the world more sustainable as we transition off fossil fuels.

This kind of reporting is expensive, time-consuming, and urgent.

Please support this reporting by backing the Kickstarter campaign and sharing it on social media.
