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Company's apology for explicit Greta Thunberg sticker isn't good enough for petition organizer

Fionnuala Braun, 19, started a petition calling for those responsible for a sexually-explicit sticker depicting Greta Thunberg to resign. Photo courtesy Fionnuala Braun

An Alberta energy company’s apology for distributing a sexually explicit sticker depicting a teen climate activist isn’t good enough, said the organizer of a petition calling for company executives to resign.

The image ⁠— a black and white decal meant to be placed on oilfield workers’ construction hats ⁠— showed a cartoon of a female figure labelled “Greta,” presumably depicting 16-year-old Swedish climate Greta Thunberg. After the image sparked outrage online last week, the company, X-Site Energy Services, put out a statement accepting “full responsibility” and pledging to “do better.”

But Fionnuala Braun, a 19-year-old climate activist who organized a petition calling for the X-Site employees behind the sticker to resign, said the apology feels like a “token gesture” that fails to address the broader problem. Young female climate activists are often on the receiving end of misogynistic and sexually explicit messages, she said in a phone interview Tuesday.

“I have gotten rape threats before,” she said. “This happens to young female activists all the time. If we spent time reporting every single time someone said something sexualizing or threatened us online, we would spend all our time in the police station.”

Braun’s petition had racked up nearly 40,000 signatures on as of Tuesday evening. A request for comment to Doug Sparrow, who was listed last week as X-Site’s general manager, wasn’t immediately returned.

Fionnuala Braun, a 19-year-old climate activist who organized a petition calling for the employees responsible to resign, says violent threats against young female climate activists are all too common.

The person who first posted the sticker online, Michelle Narang of Rocky Mountain House, Alta., previously told the Canadian Press she called X-Site to raise concerns about the sticker’s depiction of a minor. She said Sparrow told her Thunberg is “not a child. She is 17."

Sparrow later denied X-Site had any involvement with the sticker. But the company released an apology on Monday, saying it had “made organizational changes,” committed to recovering and destroying copies of the sticker and starting working on a code of conduct and “respect in the workplace” sessions for employees.

Braun said she feels that the apology rings hollow, especially considering the company’s previous denials and how long it took for it to take responsibility.

“To me it just felt like they were doing what they had to do to get over it and get back to work without it affecting their reputation,” she said.

Braun said she doesn’t want to generalize — she’s a lifelong Albertan who moved to Saskatoon last year, and she says she knows plenty of people in the oilpatch don’t support the sticker and the message it sends. But the prevalence of violence speech against female climate activists means it’s especially important that people who participated in or passively allowed the making of the decal be publicly held accountable, she added.

“A lot of the hyped-up masculinity culture of the oilsands doesn’t discourage people from sexualizing women in ways that are disturbing and inappropriate,” she said.

Though the petition calls for senior staff at X-Site to step down, Braun said she’d settle for a public investigation into what happened and transparency about how the people involved are being held accountable.

“Greta is so young,” she said. “It makes us all feel a little unsafe.”

Alberta RCMP have said the sticker doesn’t qualify as child pornography and police won’t be investigating.

In a tweet Saturday, Thunberg responded to the graphic sticker: “They are starting to get more and more desperate. This shows that we're winning."

Braun said although the RCMP’s response is disappointing, she agrees with Thunberg’s message.

“They wouldn’t go to all that effort if they didn’t feel threatened.”
