Freelance at Canada's National Observer
The Unique and The Edgy
Canada's National Observer is open to pitches from freelance creators. Like The New Yorker or The Atlantic, we aim to surprise and delight our audiences with the writing you can't stop reading, art that makes you feel and think, and fresh voices––while providing valuable information and original, unique, edgy stories and visuals.
Our rates for assigned reporting and artwork are competitive. We look for entertaining, character-driven stories based on research, interviews and facts. Over the years, Canada's National Observer has been home to some of the best writing in the country, and we've showcased stunning, amazing work from writers and creators from the United States as well.
Writers, Illustrators, Photographers, Filmmakers
We're open to your pitches and our areas of interest are not limited to climate change and the environment, although that's our core coverage. We're interested in magazine-style narratives on how people cope what their real lives are like, injustice, brilliance, human suffering, and the acts of heroism that are redemptive for society, stories that make us think and feel and see the world differently than we did before reading them. We love stories take us somewhere we haven't been with language so rich the experience of reading is transcendent.
We do pay for travel and photography so that you can really bring the story home.
The Brilliant and The Beautiful
We are always excited to publish exceptional cartoons, videos, graphics, and photography and welcome pitches from creators in these fields.
See the work we've paired together as an example of how good this work can be: remarkable Rolling Stone illustrator Victor Juhasz paired with the searing writing of the talented writer, Bruce Livesey. And explore our multi-media stories where we showcase some of our best photography.
We want our readers to expect the unexpected from Canada's National Observer and you can be part of that.
Send your pitch to Adrienne Tanner,
Please note, we only pay for assigned reported stories and art, or substantial opinion pieces that we have contracted with you to do.
We look forward to hearing from you.