With the sun peaking through a soggy Saturday morning in Ottawa, they began to roar in approval at the site of a pair of famous special guests.
"The rain you can blame on the Irish," U2 frontman Bono said with a chuckle,
Quebec and Ontario are pushing for the federal government to wait for the National Energy Board to be modernized before restarting the evaluation of the Energy East project.
It’s hard to square $500 million for a July 1 party with a $53.8 million-investment in stopping the crisis of MMIWG, writes former Vancouver police detective Lorimer Shenher.
La loi C-44 et son projet de Banque d'infrastructure du Canada sont une menace pour l'autonomie juridique des provinces et municipalités, écrit chroniqueur Gérard Montpetit.
Strange sea creatures that resemble large pink thimbles are showing up on the coast of southeast Alaska for the first time after making their way north along the West Coast for the last few years.