Stephanie Wood
News, Politics
October 15th 2019
Profiles of one candidate from each major party, and the issues affecting ridings in northern Ontario, Nunavut, Saskatchewan and Vancouver Island
More in today's news
In contrast to the 2015 campaign, when Idle No More was still flourishing and anti-Harper sentiment drove record-high Indigenous turnout, this election sees Indigenous issues on the sidelines, and neither hate nor hope is motivating Native voters.
Robert Jago
Analysis, Politics
| October 10th 2019
Promoters of the project claim it will generate jobs and displace dirtier forms of energy, but both claims are highly questionable.
Open Letter
Opinion, Business, Energy, Politics
| October 15th 2019
Democracy Watch says it is calling for an investigation into whether the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers and the Conservatives violated Canada's elections law.
Carl Meyer
News, Energy, Politics
| October 11th 2019
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg has announced that's she's going to Alberta.
The Canadian Press
News, Politics
| October 14th 2019
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh said Sunday he will do "whatever it takes" to keep the Conservatives from assuming power, including forming a coalition government with Justin Trudeau's Liberals.
Mia Rabson
News, Politics
| October 14th 2019
Andrew Scheer is raising the spectre of a reckless, tax-and-spend Liberal-NDP coalition government to urge Canadians to hand the Conservatives a majority on Oct. 21.
Joan Bryden
News, Politics
| October 14th 2019
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau took extraordinary safety precautions at a major election rally west of Toronto on Saturday, October 12, 2019, donning an armoured vest and appearing with a heavy security detail because of a threat.
Lee Berthiaume
News, Politics
| October 13th 2019
Firm’s public calls for climate action contrast with backing for conservative thinktanks
Stephanie Kirchgaessner
| October 14th 2019
Lobbying in US and Europe has tried to block and delay moves to cut emissions, study shows
Sandra Laville
News, Energy
| October 14th 2019