Francesca Schulz-Bianco, Jacqueline Koerner
December 2nd 2022
Germany's dependence on Russian oil and gas has left the country uniquely exposed to the Kremlin's attempts to use energy as a weapon, write Francesca Schulz-Bianco and Jacqueline Koerner.
More in today's news
Chrystia Freeland is one of dozens of politicians across Canada who have faced threats of political violence and terrorism over the past year, and while the convoy might be gone, the threats — and conspiracies behind them — are still here.
Luke Ottenhof
| December 5th 2022
Amid all this suffering — what we’ve been through and what’s to come — there is one statistic that marches ever upward: corporate profits, Avi Lewis writes.
Avi Lewis
| December 5th 2022
Weeks before the United Nations biodiversity conference, COP15 in Montreal, the host nation sent a letter to the European Commission asking for a reconsideration of “burdensome traceability requirements” within a proposed EU scheme that aims to eradicate unsustainably sourced wood products from the world’s biggest market.
Jonathan Watts
| December 2nd 2022
Carol McBride, the president of the Native Women’s Association of Canada, called on municipalities and provinces to develop their own action plan to solve the MMIWG2S crisis.
Matteo Cimellaro
News, Urban Indigenous Communities in Ottawa
| December 5th 2022
On Friday, the Donkin coal mine in Cape Breton got the green light to continue running until 2029 from the provincial government’s Environment and Climate Change department.
Cloe Logan
| December 2nd 2022
In high school, Sampson co-led the organizing of 10,000 people in the 2019 Fridays for Future Halifax climate strikes. This 20-year-old is now encouraging their university, Dalhousie, to divest from fossil fuels.
Patricia Lane, Jude Sampson
Opinion, Climate Solutions Reporting
| December 5th 2022
From the Galápagos to Bermuda, ocean planners often find themselves caught between two worlds — choosing between fisheries and fish.
Graeme Green
| December 5th 2022
The outcome of the global gathering in Montreal may be our last best hope for nature, writes Dan Kraus.
Dan Kraus
Opinion, Climate Solutions Reporting
| December 5th 2022
From the archives
Nora Loreto
| June 26th 2020