Do you want to help Canada’s National Observer expand our climate reporting in 2023? Support us by donating to our fundraising campaign or signing up for a 1-year subscription to access all of our journalism for $49.99, our best sale of the year. All proceeds will benefit our crowdfunding campaign to raise $100,000 by Dec. 31. We’re getting close, but we need your help to take us to the finish line.
Sandra Bartlett
December 20th 2022
More in today's news
Same mission. Faster innovation. More milky opacity.
Lisa Pertoso, Paul Razzell
| December 21st 2022
As tension between China and many western countries mounts, the United Nations biodiversity conference has set a clear example of how co-operation can help find solutions to global crises.
John Woodside
News, Politics
| December 21st 2022
The first National Ribbon Skirt Day will become a reality one year after Isabella Kulak was shamed for wearing her ribbon skirt to her Saskatchewan school.
Matteo Cimellaro
News, Urban Indigenous Communities in Ottawa
| December 21st 2022
When it comes to electric vehicles, the array of options normally available to Canadians is scant, and there is nothing to do but wait, writes managing editor Adrienne Tanner.
Adrienne Tanner
| December 21st 2022
The Queer Songbook Orchestra’s youth contingent only got a handful of hours to rehearse together before Tuesday's holiday fundraiser, but that's part of the impromptu joy in its community building by founder Shaun Brodie.
Morgan Sharp
News, Culture, Next Gen Insider
| December 20th 2022
Ottawa's ban on a handful of single-use plastic items is cause for celebration, but bigger changes are required from government and consumers to stem plastic waste, especially at Christmas, a pollution expert says.
Rochelle Baker
News, Island Insider
| December 21st 2022
The painstakingly slow recovery of an Oregon marsh raises new worries about how delicate these ecosystems can be.
Meghan Bartels
| December 21st 2022
Onion Lake Cree Nation has filed a lawsuit against the Alberta government saying its sovereignty act is an infringement on treaty rights.
Angela Amato
News, Politics
| December 20th 2022
When Kevin Erickson fires up his 1972 Plymouth Satellite, a faint hum replaces what is normally the sound of pistons pumping, gas coursing through the carburetor and the low thrum of the exhaust.
Thomas Peipert
| December 20th 2022
From the archives
Naomi Oreskes, Jeff Nesbit
| December 10th 2021