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Cloe Logan
February 9th 2023
Documents obtained by Canada’s National Observer through a freedom of information request detail an injury to a worker and multiple safety infractions relating to methane monitoring and fire hazards.
More in today's news
Some of Canada’s biggest corporations received a pandemic subsidy intended to keep their employees on the payroll, but a new report finds that in many cases, these large companies actually reduced employment while padding the pockets of shareholders.
Natasha Bulowski
News, Politics, Ottawa Insider
| February 9th 2023
After securing a licence for a recent discovery, Norwegian energy giant Equinor is one step closer to developing Canada’s first deepwater oil project off the East Coast.
John Woodside
News, Business, Energy
| February 9th 2023
The Trudeau Liberals are at their lowest ebb since winning the 2015 election. If they want to win the next one, they'll have to stop making mistakes — and start telling their own story better.
Max Fawcett
Opinion, Politics
| February 9th 2023
Coal mining may be on hold in Alberta, but clear-cut logging will increase in a region where the downstream agriculture industry can ill afford to damage its watershed.
Rob Miller
| February 9th 2023
Scientists identify parts of the ocean suitable for seaweed cultivation and suggest it could constitute 10 per cent of the human diet to reduce the impact of agriculture.
Graham Readfearn
| February 9th 2023
About one million square kilometres of Quebec is covered by boreal forest, roughly 70 per cent of the entire province. In the north, where ecosystems are less likely to have been altered by human activity, those forests have been accumulating and sequestering immense quantities of carbon for centuries.
Stephane Blais
| February 8th 2023
Pink sea urchins off the coast of Vancouver Island are expanding into shallower waters, in what researchers say is an indication of how rapidly climate change is affecting ocean life.
Ashley Joannou
| February 8th 2023
More than a billion tonnes of climate pollution pours out of American tailpipes every year. Ending this climate pollution disaster requires a lot more lithium. Barry Saxifrage breaks it down for us.
Barry Saxifrage
Analysis, Climate Solutions Reporting
| February 8th 2023
From the archives
Michael Allen
| August 2nd 2022