Canada’s National Observer is Canada’s top source for news about the climate crisis. Subscribe now for $99.99 and help support critical journalism that informs Canadians about the many pressing issues facing our country.
Isaac Phan Nay
News, Next Gen Insider
March 9th 2023
Ethan Kowalchuk is developing “vegan” campaigns for the game Dungeons and Dragons because he wants to challenge entertainment’s inclination towards violence.
More in today's news
Enbridge’s Westcoast Connector Gas Transmission Project could become the subject of another heated debate about pipelines.
Kai Nagata
| March 9th 2023
The Pender Harbour Ocean Discovery Station is set to be a hot spot for aquatic research and monitoring climate change impacts on marine ecosystems after getting a $1.2-million donation from the Wilson 5 Foundation.
Rochelle Baker
News, Island Insider
| March 9th 2023
Grocery chain CEOs fielded tough questions from MPs at a parliamentary committee meeting attempting to get to the root of why Canadians are facing such high food prices.
Natasha Bulowski
News, Politics, Ottawa Insider
| March 9th 2023
People who have been convicted of a number of indecency and anti-abortion offences that are no longer on the books can now have those convictions expunged.
David Fraser
News, Politics
| March 8th 2023
Rural Municipalities of Alberta says energy companies now owe towns and villages in which they operate a total of $268 million. That's up more than six per cent from last year and 261 per cent since 2018, when the association began keeping track.
Bob Weber
News, Politics
| March 8th 2023
Mark Lee, a professional translator and former council candidate in Richmond, B.C., says he knows what it's like to walk the fine line faced by fellow Chinese Canadians entering the political arena amid scrutiny of alleged foreign interference.
Chuck Chiang, Nono Shen
News, Politics
| March 8th 2023
In his ruling, Quebec court Judge Dennis Galiatsatos wrote that not only was Neall Epstein not guilty, the fact that he was arrested and prosecuted at all was a bewildering injustice.
Jacob Serebrin
| March 8th 2023
Johan Eklöf’s book “The Darkness Manifesto” offers a powerful argument for turning down the lights and embracing the dark.
Sarah Scoles
| March 9th 2023
From the archives
Zack Metcalfe
| November 6th 2020