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John Woodside
News, Politics
March 21st 2023
A climate bomb is ticking, and the latest report from the world’s leading climate science body is a how-to guide for defusing it, says United Nations Secretary General António Guterres.
More in today's news
As the world stares down an ongoing and rapidly worsening climate crisis, wealthy countries like Canada must hit the “fast-forward button” and push up their net-zero emissions deadlines to 2040, United Nations Secretary General António Guterres said Monday.
Natasha Bulowski
News, Politics, Ottawa Insider
| March 21st 2023
Today, as I give talks and meet young people across the country, I am convinced that tens of thousands of them are once again eager to serve, ready to confront the civilizational threat of this generation, writes Seth Klein.
Seth Klein
Opinion, Climate Solutions Reporting
| March 21st 2023
Ontario's Greenbelt includes some of the best farmland in Canada, which has been protected for over 20 years. Experts and activists say Premier Doug Ford's plan to develop the area will exacerbate the housing crisis and slash food supply.
Zahra Khozema
Analysis, Climate Solutions Reporting
| March 21st 2023
A new app aligns shareholder votes with climate-friendly values. Big Banks should be scared.
Batul Gulamhusein
| March 21st 2023
Earlier this month, Rural Municipalities Alberta released figures showing that energy firms owed $268 million in back taxes in 2022, a figure that is up more than six per cent from 2021.
Bob Weber
| March 20th 2023
Snow falls thick as skiers shed their gear and duck into the Sundeck Restaurant, one of the first certified energy-efficient buildings in the U.S. — this one at 3,413 metres above sea level atop Aspen Mountain in Colorado.
Brittany Peterson
| March 20th 2023
On a wintry day last November, Daphne Kay looked up at an expanse of gleaming solar panels located on Cowessess First Nation reserve land just east of Regina and cried.
Amanda Stephenson
| March 20th 2023
Indigenous groups in Australia said they weren't consulted and called the conservation ploy a "money-making scheme."
Lyric Aquino
| March 21st 2023
From the archives
Rochelle Baker
News, Island Insider
| August 5th 2022