Published by Observer Media Group. The opinions expressed on this page are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of National Observer's editorial board.
I had to fight for parental leave
Canada needs to give working families a (paid) break, writes public service union leader Debi Daviau, starting with its own employees.
Who would really benefit from Kenney’s corporate tax cuts?
Corporate tax cuts would generate few, if any jobs, and result in significant overall job losses from the accompanying cuts to public spending. Much of the windfall gains from the corporate tax cuts would flow to foreign corporate owners.
Something old, new, borrowed and blue: Doug Ford's first budget has it all
The Ontario budget is neither as dramatically geared for austerity as was feared nor as transformational as some might have hoped. The budget theme is “protecting what matters most.” That means what they spend on is a clear indication of their priorities. That priority is clear: balancing the budget. But carefully, over six years. Spread the time to spread the pain.
New research examines gaps in tool used to fight climate change
Nearly a third of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions come from structures we build: houses, commercial buildings and infrastructure. The author examines the way those emissions are measured and how the practice should be improved.
PEI growth is the highest in the country, but the governing Liberals are losing the election
In Prince Edward Island, growing the amount of goods and services produced has not created political advantage for the incumbent government.
Wolf kills and caribou zoos: here's what's wrong with B.C.'s new recovery plan
On a cold morning in February, dedicated elementary students gathered lichen for caribou who live in the Revelstoke maternity pen. They were told these actions are creating hope for the future — they were lied to.
Lack of political leadership in face of alarming report on Canada’s climate
Canada's Changing Climate Report (CCCR)—released this week by government scientists in consultation with university academics—draws this conclusion in a wide-ranging report. So, what has been the reaction so far?
The Liberal government’s crisis is a crisis of liberalism
“Diversity only works if there is trust.” That statement by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may be remembered as the ignominious end of the dream of inclusivity and feminist leadership promised by his celebrated 2015 cabinet. Sarah Ghabrial and Sheetal Rawal examine liberal feminism and inclusivity.
When it comes to environmental laws, oil companies shouldn’t make the rules
Canada is in the final stages of developing a new federal law (Bill C-69) that will modernize our environmental assessment laws. The bad news: this practical and relatively modest goal has been the subject of an extensive misinformation campaign by the oil and gas industry.
Canada can't rely on luck to protect northern waters
Several recent, narrowly-averted disasters show why Canada needs to step back into its leadership role and call for a ban of heavy fuel oil in the Arctic.
Sloughing off the costs of environmental damage
In Alberta and other fossil fuel production jurisdictions there is a whole lot of externalizing going on. Ross Belot examines the corporate practice of pushing environmental liabilities off onto government and society.
Enough empty promises, Prime Minister Trudeau
New Democratic Party MPs urge Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to "show that his promises to Indigenous people aren’t empty" by addressing mercury poisoning in Grassy Narrows.
LNG expansion: a path to nowhere
It’s time for us all – and especially for our political leaders – to stop dithering and start working hard to protect the planet for the sake of future generations.
Jody Wilson-Raybould asked her colleagues if she could remain a Liberal MP
"I believed we were going to uphold the highest standards that support the public interest, and not simply make choices to create partisan advantage. As part of committing to this transformative and progressive path, we were also committing to a government and caucus that represented all Canadians"