By unlocking the power potential of households and businesses, we can ensure a reliable and cost-effective electricity system that depends less on gas.
A new analysis by the Independent Electricity System Operator looking at upcoming regulations around restrictions on emissions from electricity generation found that Ontario would have to add twice as much new generation as it is already planning, which is "not feasible" in that time frame.
Ontario's Independent Electricity System Operator says there will be enough electricity supply to meet the additional demand created by what's expected to be a prolonged heat wave.
Gas more reliably meets our energy needs on the hottest and coldest days, writes Enbridge vice-president of business development and regulatory Malini Giridhar.
Ontario's Independent Electricity System Operator and the province justify dependence on natural gas with scary claims about lights going out and businesses fleeing Ontario.
Decarbonizing Ontario’s electricity system is going to cost about $400 billion over the next two and a half decades and require a “no regrets” kind of attitude to get there, according to the province’s grid operator.
Phasing out natural gas generation by 2030 would result in rotating blackouts and higher electricity bills, Ontario's electricity system operator said in a report released on Thursday, October 7, 2021.
As Ontario sets out on a 15-year project to refurbish two nuclear power plants and shut down another, it will likely lean more heavily on gas-fired generation, leading to a spike in carbon emissions.
Ontario's electricity system operator counted enough phantom demand to power a small city, causing hundreds of millions of dollars in extra charges to some customers, according to the Ontario Energy Board. It didn't tell anyone about the error once it noticed and fixed it.
The Doug Ford government has appointed a former federal Tory cabinet minister, Joe Oliver, who denies human responsibility for climate change to the board of the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), a Crown corporation that oversees and manages the province's electricity operations.