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Tucker Carlson's nonsense call to ‘liberate’ Canada is no laughing matter

Tucker Carlson speaking with attendees at the 2022 AmericaFest at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, Ariz. Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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Fox News host Tucker Carlson is no stranger to controversy. If anything, his fame and fortune depend on his willingness to stir it up, whether that’s by excusing gun violence in America or spreading dangerous nonsense like the “great replacement” theory. And while it’s probably best to just ignore someone who spends months obsessing over changes to the way M&M spokescandies look, we don’t have that luxury in Canada right now.

That’s because on a recent show, Carlson suggested Canada was in the process of turning into Cuba — and America should do something about it. "We're spending all this money to liberate Ukraine from the Russians. Why are we not sending an armed force north to liberate Canada from Trudeau?"

Carlson insisted he wasn’t kidding, but his suggestion was treated as a bad joke, which underscores the fact that “conservative humour” is little more than an oxymoron. Matthew Green, the NDP member of Parliament for Hamilton Centre, certainly didn’t find it very funny. He tried to get unanimous consent on a motion condemning Carlson for his remarks, one that didn’t pass muster with Conservative members of the House of Commons. That was a gift for Carlson, who used a clip of Green’s failed motion on his Wednesday show in order to continue riffing on his bit for another day.

To some extent, the online mockery that greeted Green’s failed motion was deserved. The House of Commons has bigger and better things to do, especially right now, than comment on the uninformed ramblings of a far-right American provocateur. But at the same time, we can’t ignore the way in which someone like Carlson is talking about our country — and the effect that could have on our shared interests down the road.

No, the United States is not going to invade Canada — not today, not tomorrow and almost certainly not in the future (although never say never: it did elect Donald Trump as president). But we should be wary of the way in which prominent right-wing media personalities are talking about Canada right now, and the degree to which they’re willing to delude themselves and their viewers about what’s actually happening here.

No, Canada isn't going to be "liberated" by the United States. But Tucker Carlson's comments about it are part of a worrying trend — one that has already made its way across the border into our politics, writes columnist @maxfawcett. #cdnpoli

Carlson, after all, isn’t the only Fox News personality suggesting that Canada is some sort of illiberal hellscape right now. Tulsi Gabbard, who represented Hawaii in Congress and ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020, is also using dangerous language to talk about Canada’s current prime minister. “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, in Canada, has yet again very recently shown just how anti-freedom and anti-democracy he actually is,” she said in a recent video.

Carlson may have been joking about the idea of "liberating" Canada, but he’s probably dead serious about the notion that Canada’s current government is actively infringing on the freedoms and liberties of its citizens. It was Carlson, after all, who helped elevate last year’s trucker convoy into a global phenomenon on the far right. “Find an enemy, create a crisis, stay in power forever,” he said in his Feb. 21, 2022, monologue. “It's the oldest recipe for tyranny that there is. If we don't recognize it in our own age, it's only because nothing like this was supposed to happen in a democracy, but it is happening, most clearly in Canada.”

There’s a substantial subset of his viewers, and a smaller slice of the American population as a whole, that takes this portrayal of Canada seriously. They genuinely believe we’re being governed by communists, that we’ve fallen prey to a far-left dictatorship, and our freedoms are being suppressed in order to advance the wishes of the World Economic Forum or some other tinfoil-laden conspiracy theory. The longer people are fed that sort of toxic nonsense, the more likely it is that it winds up in the head of someone who could do something about it.

And while American troops and tanks aren’t about to roll across our shared border, Carlson’s brand of conservatism already has. On any number of issues, from the merits of gun control to the perils facing free speech and the unimportance of climate change, Canadian conservative leaders like Danielle Smith, Scott Moe and Pierre Poilievre are in lockstep with Carlson. If the Trudeau Liberals keep sinking in the polls, his imaginary invasion might not even be necessary.
