Education Minister Stephen Lecce says the government will stop splitting students into academic and applied streams in the first year of high school and ban early elementary suspensions, practices that have disproportionately hurt Black students.
Black parents have always dealt with the added burden of talking to their children about racism but some are now struggling with whether to broach the topic sooner, says the founder of a parenting group.
After months of social distancing, working from home, and going out only for essentials like groceries and exercise in nature, McKenna said the COVID-19 crisis has truly illuminated much more than the societal gaps and inequities. It has also shown Canadians what matters most.
Critics have a long list of suggestions for Education Minister Stephen Lecce and the school boards charged with turning government policy into practice.
Dalhousie University is apologizing to the African Nova Scotian community following the publication of a report examining the racist views of the school's founder and Nova Scotia's various connections to anti-black racism and slavery.
Qualified black Canadians are being passed over for promotions to senior positions in the federal government due to systemic racial barriers, says Independent MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes.
“We’re being treated as if we’re a criminal organization or a terrorist group. I’m not speaking from a place of power, I’m speaking truth to power. And if people can’t connect the dots to understand that, it means that their level of denial is being enforced, protected and valued by a system that reproduces that." - Ricardo Lamour
While U. S. President Donald Trump used a deplorable racial slur while addressing Native American veterans of the Second World War at a recent White House ceremony, a similar, albeit not maliciously intended, incident was unfolding right here at home.
African-Nova Scotian organizers say it's time for a centuries-overdue discussion about Canada's legacy of slavery, its lasting harms on black Canadians and potential forms of reparation.