U.S. President Joe Biden is also expected to call on major economies to join him in bold action at virtual summit of 40 world leaders, running April 22 and 23.
The Conservatives' new climate plan will simultaneously infuriate many of the party’s most fervent supporters and underwhelm Canadian voters who care about climate change, writes columnist Max Fawcett.
Mark Jaccard, author of A Citizen's Guide to Climate Success, said that when it comes to addressing the climate crisis, it’s likely that neither international nor even domestic policy consensus will ever be achieved.
Mark Jaccard, author of 'The Citizen’s Guide to Climate Success,' will join Canada’s National Observer founder and editor-in-chief Linda Solomon Wood on April 8 for an exclusive Conversations event.
"A key indicator that a government understands the climate emergency is a willingness to tell the truth," writes columnist Seth Klein. "In Alberta’s case, that doesn’t mean we have to shut down the oilsands tomorrow. But it does mean admitting the oil and gas sector needs to be carefully and thoughtfully managed for wind-down over the next 20 to 30 years."
Facilities that suck carbon dioxide out of the air could be powerful weapons for fighting climate change. But their deployment requires a huge, wartime-style investment.
In a four-minute YouTube video, a group of students from across Ontario read a letter to their teachers, asking them to push the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan to stop investing their retirement savings in oil, gas, coal, and pipeline companies.
Young climate activists including Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg told business and political elites gathered on Tuesday, January 21, 2020, at the World Economic Forum that they aren't doing enough to tackle the climate emergency and warned them that time was running out.