Eight oil and gas companies are planning hundreds of expansion projects in the coming years, even as the world is already on track to burn through its remaining carbon budget, a new report finds.
Although the operation of Bay du Nord will emit less carbon than its oilsands counterparts during production, once that oil is burned, the emissions are all the same.
Days before the federal government is set to make a decision on a $6.8-billion oil project off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, environmentalists are poking holes in the company's environmental claims and urging Ottawa to reject the proposal.
In terms of where Equinor missed the mark, the review said many of the company’s conclusions on effects from the project were taken from areas away from the site.
Norwegian oil giant Equinor ASA says it has completed its exit from the Canadian oilsands by selling the 18.8 per cent stake in producer Athabasca Oil Corp. it acquired three years ago.
Environment and Climate Change Minister Jonathan Wilkinson said “all drilling projects must respect high environmental standards” after a Bloc Québécois MP raised questions about a government rule change meant to help industry.
When it comes to talking about how the northern Alberta oilsands have lost their lustre for foreign investors, Satoshi Abe sounds a lot like his Canadian counterparts.