Anjali Helferty
About Anjali Helferty
Anjali Helferty is executive director of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment. She spent much of her 20s in leadership roles in youth climate activism in Canada and the United States. Anjali completed a master’s in organizational change management in 2013, and a PhD in adult education and community development in 2020, focused on settler climate activists and solidarity with Indigenous peoples.
Connecting the dots on climate health
To address climate change, toxic exposures, and environmental racism, it's time to get out our crayons, connect the dots, and bring the bigger picture of planetary health into view.
A vote against fossil fuel subsidies is a vote for our health
Now is the time for commitments to end all subsidies, public finance and other fiscal support to the oil and gas sector by 2022, write Anjali Helferty and George Tjensvoll Kitching.
Bill C-12 and the promise of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050
Once again, we are staring down the clock on climate accountability legislation, writes Anjali Helferty, executive director of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment.