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The Canadian Press

The Canadian Press

About The Canadian Press

The Canadian Press has been Canada's trusted national news agency for more than 100 years, a news source and leader in providing real-time, bilingual multimedia stories across print, broadcast and digital platforms. Through words, photos, graphics, audio and video, more than 180 journalists cover news stories that impact Canadians with fairness, compassion, accuracy and taste. CP, a for-profit enterprise owned jointly by three of Canada's largest media companies, gives Canadians an authentic, unbiased source, driven by truth, accuracy and timeliness. More details about CP's news principles are available here. CP is a Trust Project News Partner.

4565 Articles

The manager of fire operations for British Columbia's wildfire service says rain and cooler temperatures have taken an edge off some of the most aggressive blazes among more than 260 burning across the province.

The election spotlight could shift today, August 18, 2021, to Canada's pandemic-ravaged economy and debt-laden federal finances as Statistics Canada reveals its consumer price index for July.
Jagmeet Singh,

The federal opposition parties are already off and running as each leader aims to jump the gun on an election race expected to kick off in the coming days.