Dan Woynillowicz
About Dan Woynillowicz
Dan Woynillowicz is the Principal of Polaris Strategy + Insight, a public policy consulting firm focused on climate change and the energy transition.
Should taxpayers be forced to foot the bill for oil and gas sector’s carbon capture plans?
When it comes to delivering pollution reductions from the oil and gas sector, an aggressive push from the oil and gas lobby has the government focused on carrots.
Now, every election is a climate election and every vote, a climate vote
What the federal government does (or doesn’t do) is not the sole determinant of emissions in our federation. It’s a shared responsibility with provinces, writes Dan Woynillowicz.
Let’s come out of COVID-19 with a new economy
Canada’s traditionally strong oil and gas sector will never return to its halcyon boom days of the early 2000s. We need to rebuild the economy we want: a cleaner, resilient one.
Pundits' whataboutism threatens Canada's climate progress
A false equivalency has been drawn between the Conservative and Liberal climate plans, which couldn’t be more different.
We must make Canada's power grid even cleaner
If we’re to hit our climate targets and decarbonize Canada by 2050, we’ll need more electricity. After all, electrification — that is, getting everything onto our increasingly clean power grid — is the ribbon that ties all of our climate efforts together.
How to misrepresent good climate policy
In an argument put forward to scrap the clean fuel standard, Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer claimed it was ‘a secret fuel tax’ that would increase the cost of gas by four cents.
In praise of the Liberals' electric-vehicle incentives
Given that transportation is one of Canada’s highest-emitting sectors, the government should be applauded for its suite of policies aimed at increasing demand for low-emission automobiles.
How Canada is both leading and falling behind on electric buses
Buses. Yes, they’re better than cars because they move more people, but they are nonetheless a sizable source of emissions. The good news is there’s a solution, and it’s a big opportunity for Canada.