David Suzuki
About David Suzuki
Behind budget, behind schedule: time to rethink our strategy on hydro dams
In Canada, large-scale projects such as Site C in B.C. and Muskrat Falls in Labrador run counter to our commitments to combat climate change and respect Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Both projects are over budget and years behind schedule.
Cracking down on consumerism: Would your kids accept a hand-me-down?
It’s been a long time since I’ve heard durability as a positive attribute of a product. In today’s fashion-obsessed world, how many children would accept hand-me-downs from siblings?
Suzuki's list of climate actions to protect our 'imperilled biosphere' in 2018
Despite progress in stabilizing the stratospheric ozone layer, all the other problems scientists looked at in 1992 have worsened.
Don't blame God or nature. This is our fault
Empowered by fossil fuel–driven technology, a rapidly growing human population and an insatiable demand for constant growth, our species is responsible for the calamitous consequences.
Don't be fooled by attacks on the lithium battery
There's an image circulating the Internet comparing the environmental damage of a lithium battery to the oilsands. Pay them no mind, writes David Suzuki.
U.S. climate report leaves little room for doubt
It seems odd that a major U.S. government climate report released November 3 didn’t receive more media attention. But then, the main thing newsworthy about the Climate Science Special Report is that it was released at all, apparently without political interference.
Government for the people, not fossil fuel corporations
Corporations can’t vote, but by putting enormous amounts of money into campaigns and lobbying, they can hijack the political agenda.That’s the case with the fossil fuel industry — the most profitable in human history, writes scientist David Suzuki.
Caribou don't have time to wait
Stalling, raising doubt about research and exempting industry from regulations, as Ontario has done, will increase risks for boreal caribou.
Don't gamble with Canada's marvellous marine life
Celebrated Canadian scientist David Suzuki paints a picture of what will happen to vulnerable Canadian marine mammals if coastal waters are hit with a pipeline oil spill.
How about a nice pesticide spread with that toast?
New research has found that three quarters of the world's honey contains a pesticide known to kill bees. It's time to ban its use altogether, writes celebrated scientist David Suzuki.