Emily Lowan
About Emily Lowan
Emily Lowan is Climate Action Network Canada’s fossil fuel supply campaigns lead. She has worked in the climate justice movement for more than six years, affecting change through the leadership of successful campaigns, investigative research and climate policy advocacy across Turtle Island. Emily is located on the stolen, unceded territories of the lək ̓ʷəŋən and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples and holds a BA in political science and environmental studies from the University of Victoria.
Canadians want Big Oil to cap pollution
The political lesson for MPs of all stripes should be that a strong emissions cap is a win-win, both for the climate and in public opinion.
An insider’s take on the university divestment movement
Despite a strong financial case and the clear moral imperative of divestment, most Canadian universities are still doubling down on false solutions like shareholder engagement, writes Emily Lowan.
UVic takes big step towards fossil fuel divestment
When reputable organizations pull their investments in fossil fuels, they help marginalize oil, gas and coal companies, write James Rowe, Jeff Corntassel, Emily Lowan and Juliet Watts.