Fae Johnstone
About Fae Johnstone
Fae Johnstone (they/she) is an organizer, educator and writer focused on gender, sex and sexuality. They are based on unceded, unsurrendered Algonquin Territory (Ottawa, ON).
Provinces and municipalities are failing LGBTQ2+ communities
If we want real change for LGBTQ2+ communities, we need real action from our provincial and municipal governments.
A call for a national LGBTQ2+ health strategy
Opinion: The Mental Health Commission of Canada has done for mental health what we desperately need done for LGBTQ2+ communities.
Trudeau Liberals haven't delivered the change LGBTQ2+ communities need
Other than an inclusive narrative, the Liberals haven’t delivered the change LGBTQ2+ communities need and deserve. They'll run on their record in the election campaign all the same, writes activist Fae Johnstone.