Geoff Strong
About Geoff Strong
Geoff is an atmospheric/climate scientist by profession, a Fellow of and former national President of the Canadian Meteorological & Oceanographic Society (CMOS, 2006-07), and has received several awards from that society during his career that began in 1963. He was nominated in 2023 for the prestigious Patterson Medal from Environment Canada. He remains active in his field through various environmental groups such as CMOS, CACOR (Can. Assoc. for Club of Rome), has taught at various universities, and written several novels on climate change.
Would our next prime minister look after the environment?
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre’s anti-environment record includes voting “yea” for legislation designed to weaken environmental safeguards.
Using small microgrids to help restore a healthy planet
The battle against climate change can be powered with small microgrids, using the free energy of nature’s wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, and ocean wave and current systems.