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Greg Macdougall

Greg Macdougall

About Greg Macdougall

For over two decades, Greg Macdougall has engaged in independent (interdependent) media and grassroots community activism, mostly on unsurrendered Anishinabe Algonquin territory.

Aiming to provoke dreams and rooted with an anti-hegemonic, anarchist-oriented ethos and praxis (interrelated theory and practice) of social change communication, empowerment-focused education and effective, liberatory, multi-issue mutual solidarity politic organizing dynamics, he is cognizant of the behavioural problems of 24-7 news cycles and social media addiction.

Formal credentials in mathematics, computers and teaching.

You can find more of his writings and multimedia at

2 Articles
Indigenous Suicide

Canada's Indigenous suicide crisis is worse than we thought

A Statistics Canada report’s central finding — that First Nations people die by suicide at three times the rate of non-Indigenous Canadians, Inuit at nine times the rate, and Métis at two times — illustrates a crisis but is not likely to surprise those familiar with previous statistics. For those unfamiliar, it puts Inuit among the people with the highest rates of suicide anywhere in the world.