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Morgan Sharp

Morgan Sharp

About Morgan Sharp

Morgan Sharp is a non-binary trans journalist who wrote about youth and young people in and around Toronto, thanks to a grant from the Local Journalism Initiative and the Government of Canada.

She covered a wide range of subject areas over more than three years with National Observer and ten years with the Reuters news agency before that, including general and political news, the environment and sustainability, technology and the companies that sell it, financial markets and economics.

Originally from Melbourne, Australia, they lived and worked in Cairo and London before settling in Toronto.

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647 Articles

A Canada apart: why rural Canadians rejected the things urban Canadians voted for (mostly)

Canada’s federal election in mid-October laid bare fractures between different parts of the country - resurgent separatists in Quebec joined by disgruntled provinces out west. And that division out in the prairies seemingly only got worse once the votes were counted.  Talk of western separation and Wexit followed the new minority Liberal government back to Ottawa. 

Protests greet returning Ford government

A chorus of protests greeted Doug Ford's Progressive Conservative government as it reconvened Ontario's legislature on Monday after a nearly five-month break in which Ford kept out of the public eye in an attempt to put some distance between sharp criticism of his provincial government and the platform of his federal Conservative counterpart Andrew Scheer.