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Morgan Sharp

Morgan Sharp

About Morgan Sharp

Morgan Sharp is a non-binary trans journalist who wrote about youth and young people in and around Toronto, thanks to a grant from the Local Journalism Initiative and the Government of Canada.

She covered a wide range of subject areas over more than three years with National Observer and ten years with the Reuters news agency before that, including general and political news, the environment and sustainability, technology and the companies that sell it, financial markets and economics.

Originally from Melbourne, Australia, they lived and worked in Cairo and London before settling in Toronto.

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647 Articles

Ford’s Ontario government backtracks again on autism

Premier Doug Ford's Ontario government offered on Tuesday to double the $320 million in funds it had initially allocated for an allowance-based autism support system and consult with the public on additional needs-based services, backtracking on parts of a policy overhaul that had outraged parents and caregivers when it was first announced in February.