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National Observer

Canada's National Observer

Canada's National Observer | Canada
About Canada's National Observer

Climate change, climate solutions, and the climate emergency are at the core of Canada's National Observer's mission and excellence in reporting. Our daily news and in-depth journalism on climate instability and the race to net zero are used by citizens, academics and policymakers to make sense of the growing climate crisis. Our name from time to time appears as a byline on our articles. It indicates the piece is an opinion by our management team or it is company news.

300 Articles
Dianne Bunz, Michael Bunz, sour gas, H2S, The Price of Oil, Allan Bunz

National Observer, Toronto Star and Global News to be honoured by Hillman Foundation

National Observer will be honoured by the Hillman Foundation on March 28 in Toronto along with its media partners, the Toronto Star and Global News and four journalism schools - Concordia University, Ryerson University, the University of Regina and the University of British Columbia - for their unprecedented investigative series, the Price of Oil.