Canada's National Observer
Canada's National Observer | Canada
About Canada's National Observer
Climate change, climate solutions, and the climate emergency are at the core of Canada's National Observer's mission and excellence in reporting. Our daily news and in-depth journalism on climate instability and the race to net zero are used by citizens, academics and policymakers to make sense of the growing climate crisis. Our name from time to time appears as a byline on our articles. It indicates the piece is an opinion by our management team or it is company news.
Kayaktivists disrupt Kinder Morgan construction
The disruptions follow a warning from Kinder Morgan that it is facing delays and losses of more than $90 million per month because of its struggles to get permits from the city of Burnaby.
WATCH: Samantha Bee warns climate change will destroy wine and spread more lyme disease
Climate change is good for at least one animal...ticks spreading lyme disease to humans, warns Samantha Bee.
Facebook to target Canada’s ‘bad actors’
Facebook has introduced a new "cyber hygiene" guide. But the social media giant and the federal government both admit much more needs to be done to safeguard the 2019 election. offices raided on behalf of Enbridge
"The timing is very suspicious," said's Karen Mahon after bailiffs showed up at the door of the organization's Vancouver office on Tuesday.
Crude Power: ‘Oil is king in a province where resistance is small’
"Oil is king in a province where resistance is small." - University of Regina journalism students who researched and produced this documentary on Saskatchewan's oil and gas industry.
Recipes and advice for a delicious long weekend
His family had a turkey stuffing recipe that was handed down from generation to generation. The turkey was moist, savoury and satisfying. "But after having enjoyed this stuffing for more than 40 Thanksgivings in a row, frankly it’s getting a little boring," Lee Carney said. And, with apologies to his grandmother, he decided it was time for a change.
Your meat and dairy habits might need a climate change rethink
An international report released this week raises questions about the environmental impact of your next hamburger or milkshake.
U.S. cuts to Energy Star could spell trouble for Cdn climate plan
Natural Resources Minister Jim Carr is adding cabinet weight to a lobbying effort against proposed U.S. budget cuts to the popular and effective Energy Star program.
NEB cracks down on Kinder Morgan for disrupting streams on pipeline route
The National Energy Board has issued a stern warning to the company building a major west coast pipeline expansion about apparent violations of federal law.
Uber threatens to pull out of Quebec because of rules
Uber's Quebec general manager Jean-Nicolas Guillemette told reporters today if the province doesn't revert back to the original conditions, the service will shut down on Oct. 14.