Onowa McIvor
About Onowa McIvor
Onowa McIvor is maskékow-ininiw (Swampy Cree) and Scottish-Canadian. She is a lifelong learner of her maternal nehinaw language, and a grateful visitor in SENĆOŦEN and Lekwungen speaking territories. McIvor is a professor in Indigenous education and holds a President’s Research Chair at the University of Victoria. She directs the national NEȾOLṈEW̱ Research Partnership, a seven-year project working to understand and enhance Indigenous adults’ contributions to reviving Indigenous languages in Canada. Her areas of research span Indigenous language learning, assessment, and planning.
For Indigenous Peoples, education becomes a tool for empowerment once more
Indigenous studies have matured into powerful mechanisms for ensuring a level of societal knowledge and practice for Indigenous graduates that is unprecedented since colonization.