Steve Anderson
About Steve Anderson
Steve Anderson is a civic engagement expert based in Vancouver. He is the co-founder and CEO of New/Mode – a multichannel civic advocacy platform that has facilitated over 65 million messages from citizens to government decision makers in Canada, the US, the UK and Australia. Steve previously founded and led the award-winning civic engagement digital rights organization, OpenMedia.
Canadians should pay attention to the democratic crisis in America
We have our own authoritarian undercurrents in this country, and commitment to our democratic form of governance is at an all-time low, writes Steve Anderson.
Yes, the U.S. net neutrality debacle will impact people in Canada. No, we can’t sit on the sidelines.
Without enforceable Net Neutrality principles telecom companies could put a tollbooth on the Internet charging both websites and Internet users special fees to avoid slowdowns, writes Steve Anderson.