Thomas MacDonald
About Thomas MacDonald
Reporter with The Canadian Press
Montreal's winter was second-warmest on record
From a green Christmas to a hibernating bear's early wake-up, Montreal's 2023-24 winter season has been the second-warmest since record-keeping began in 1871, an Environment Canada meteorologist said.
Quebec asks for extra logging rights in areas hard hit by last year's fires
The federal government committed to planting two billion trees across the country to restore natural habitats and fight climate change, and now Quebec wants to harvest some of them.
Quebec's warm winter start disappoints skiers, forces cities to adapt
An unusually mild start to winter in Quebec has discouraged tourists hoping for a winter wonderland, left litter visible on the streets of Montreal and at times diminished traffic to some of the province's popular ski slopes.
Climate change takes a toll on budgets of Canadian towns and cities
As high inflation eats away government revenues, cities and towns are increasingly being battered by historic fires, flooding, heat and ice storms, and having to dispense additional sums to guard against severe weather and clean up in its aftermath.
Quebec wants to relax construction industry rules to speed housing, infrastructure
How many workers does it take to shift a wall in Quebec? Too many, says Isabelle Rinfret of construction and real estate management company Arvisais, based roughly 95 kilometres northeast of Montreal, in Louiseville, Que.
‘It's just fun’: Montreal residents spruce up sidewalk planters
On a quiet residential corner of Montreal's St-Henri neighbourhood, plots of dirt carved out of the sidewalk, each hosting a solitary tree, have become verdant oases along the city block.
Montreal's for-profit light-rail system: national model or cautionary tale?
Montreal’s new light-rail train network stands out among major transit projects in Canada: it opened within a relatively short time frame and government didn't get in the way.
Canadian food banks are 'addressing the symptom, not the cause'
The word "crisis" comes up quickly when speaking with those who run food banks across Canada.