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Toula Drimonis

Toula Drimonis

Quebec columnist | Montreal
About Toula Drimonis

Toula Drimonis is a Montreal-based writer, editor, and award-winning columnist. A former News Director with TC Media, her freelance work, which focuses mainly on Quebec politics and women's issues, has appeared in the National Post, the New York Times, Women in the World, Ricochet Media, Ms. Magazine, Buzzfeed Canada, and Mic, among others. She is a women's issues and political panel contributor for City Life, a local Montreal current affairs TV show and was on the advisory board for Use the Right Words, a national media guide on how to report on sexual violence.

60 Articles
Cyril Winter, abortion, anti-abortion, Ottawa, Planned Parenthood

Safe zones outside abortion clinics are not a violation of free speech

No one is violating anyone’s right to protest. People who oppose abortion on moral grounds are still perfectly free to say so. They are simply no longer free to do it while wearing sandwich boards plastered with gruesome pictures of what they claim are aborted fetuses while yelling in a woman’s face while she’s about to undergo a very private, personal, and perfectly legal procedure.
  • Profile photo of Toula Drimonis