Wes Regan
About Wes Regan
Wes Regan has worked in Community Economic Development in Vancouver since 2009 and is the Green Party of Canada's Critic for Urban Affairs and Housing.
Putting together B.C. and Alberta's shared prosperity puzzle
B.C. and Alberta are perfectly poised to lead Canada’s transition to a more sustainable and secure form of energy security and prosperity, but the two provinces are now creating a level of hostility and resentment I don’t think we’ve ever seen.
Kinder Morgan and the myth of national interest
In the months and years ahead, the federal government and the multinational oil companies will learn just how vigorously and passionately British Columbians will defend our shared interests.
Christy Clark’s LNG obsession is fracturing B.C.
Given the obvious inter-connectivity of our province, why is Premier Clark pushing the urban/rural divide? Liquified Natural Gas, of course.
Senate sets Canadian democracy ablaze with Bill C-51
Parliament and the Senate no longer serve the Canadian public, they serve political parties.
Kill Bill C-51, choose courage, Canada: opinion
In my opinion, Bill C-51 is not a response to terror. This bill is "fear itself." Across Canada on March 14, Canadians will come out to show courage and strength and protest Bill C-51.