In a hangar-like space an hour from Montreal, workers in safety glasses carefully jockey huge aluminum arches into rows, like ribs, before switching on a whining drill to screw them into place.
Preparing for a lengthy legal battle with the Trump administration about how much pollution to allow from cars, California regulators on Thursday, September 20, 2019, said they were considering cracking down on other emissions to make up for any impacts on air quality.
The Trump administration is poised to revoke California's authority to set auto mileage standards, asserting that only the federal government has the power to regulate greenhouse gas emissions and fuel economy.
Canada's new rebate program to help make electric cars cheaper appears to be showing early signs of stimulating sales but mostly in the two provinces that require a minimum number of electric car sales.
Environment Minister Catherine McKenna signed a vehicle-emissions agreement with California on Wednesday, June 26, 2019, that the state's governor and auto industry experts see as a signal that Canada is going to side with California in a U.S. dispute over emissions standards.
Given that transportation is one of Canada’s highest-emitting sectors, the government should be applauded for its suite of policies aimed at increasing demand for low-emission automobiles.
The NDP is proposing a package of measures to combat climate change, ranging from subsidies for the purchase of electric vehicles to easier access to employment insurance for workers in industries threatened by the move away from fossil fuels.
Canada has become the first country to sign on to the Drive to Zero Pledge, an international initiative aimed at increasing the number of zero and low emission vehicles in the medium- and heavy-duty transportation sector.
The Trudeau government is proposing to help subsidize the cost of buying an electric car by up to $5,000, but has declined to establish a more stringent sales mandate, opting instead for voluntary targets.
Hydro-Québec has reportedly offered Maine nearly $40 million in financing for a proposed hydroelectricity project, including an electricity vehicle charging network.
The GM plant closure in Oshawa, Ont. presents opportunities to create a hub for post-carbon industry and workforce,write Peter Stoett and Scott Aquanno of the University of Ontario Institute of Technology.