The Department of National Defence has released its Defence Energy and Environment Strategy for the 2020-23 period and expects to cut its pollution by 265 kilotonnes by 2030.
One oilpatch CEO argues any government investment in capturing carbon dioxide is misguided because it ignores another greenhouse gas, methane, that is a more potent atmospheric heat-trapper over a shorter period and has been proven to be a bigger problem for the industry than previously thought.
“The Canadian government needs to stop bending over backwards to the big oil lobby and oil-friendly provincial governments at the expense of public health and action on the climate emergency,” says Environmental Defence.
Five environmental organizations released an analysis of the government’s recent emissions modelling, which shows that under current federal regulations, Canada will only reduce methane emissions by 29 per cent by 2025.
"We saw Alberta drawing a line in the sand with the (Trans Mountain) pipeline. Now there’s another line in the sand," Independent Sen. Mary Coyle said, about the Frontier mine. "And you can’t keep going with those lines in the sand."