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Kanisha Acharya-Patel

Kanisha Acharya-Patel

About Kanisha Acharya-Patel

Kanisha Acharya-Patel (she/her) is an intersectional feminist, environmental justice advocate, and public interest lawyer. As a law reform specialist with the Women’s Healthy Environments Network, Kanisha educates the public and policy makers about the link between environmental and public health, and advocates for stronger laws and policies that advance the right to a healthy environment and better protect the health of women and other equity-deserving communities. Kanisha has worked and volunteered with many non-profit organizations, including the Canadian Environmental Law Association, Ecojustice, and the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law. Kanisha has a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Conservation from the University of British Columbia, and a law degree from the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University with specialized certificates in environmental law and Aboriginal and Indigenous law.